The OpenStack third party CI working group has been discussing a way to share tools, configurations, and plugins best practices. This was an idea that started at the Paris summit because teams that are operating external CI systems have each created tools that make their life as CI operators easier. These tools are potentially valuable to all CI systems, and need to be shared. Now we have a way to share them.
I created this new repo with the following CI operators as initial cores in addition to myself. They were selected and voted in because they have consistently attended the working group meetings, helped fellow operators, and pushed to move work items forward in the community. They are: Ramy Asselin (asselin), Patrick East (patrickeast), Steve Weston (sweston), and Mikhail Medvedev (mmedvede).
Since this is a StackForge project, it shares the OpenStack patch process. If you are interested in sharing something you have written that makes your CI life easier, please come to a working group meeting and discuss, or just submit a patch.