Here are my notes from the experimental process of learning how to get sound out of a Linaro image (Headless, ALIP, Netbook) and a BeagleBoard.
- Plug amplified speakers into the 1/8″ jack closest to the s-video port – they must be amplified, signal is line level only
- ALSA – Playback hardware devices:
- card0: omap3beagle
- device0: TWL4030
- No regular simple controls like “Master” defined for BeagleBoard
- Sounds installed in /usr/share/sounds
- Test with aplay
- By default, all sound outputs for ALSA are set to 0 and/or muted
- Configure with alsamixer
- Unmute HeadsetL and HeadsetR, turn volume up for “DAC2 Analog” ~50 and “DAC2 Digital Fine” ~50-75, and “Headset” to ~ 67 for best results, these are the only controls that change line-level output via the onboard jack
- All controls listed must be turned up or no level is present at the jack
- Pulseaudio – Successful playback of .wav with paplay, one dropout, quality fairly good